Dear Parents,
Winter is here and will be out in full force beginning Wednesday (Feb. 12) evening. As much as I wish that I could control the weather, it just isn’t possible!
As you will have heard, Ottawa is due to get a major snowstorm on Wednesday evening, overnight and into Thursday (Feb. 13).
Many parents have already asked me if school will be open on Thursday (Feb. 13).
We have been following the reports on the Weather Network where they are calling for 25-40 cm of snow (this of course may change).
They are predicting a heavy snowfall, with gusty winds, making travel hazardous for families and staff.
While we do tend to stay open during most snowfalls, Fern Hill School recognizes that adverse weather conditions can impact school operations; for this reason there may be “snow days” during the year when school will be closed.
We will see when the snow starts falling on Wednesday evening and what the impact will be.
If we do receive the amount of snow they are predicting, then it is likely that school will be closed on Thursday.
I wanted to let parents know in advance so that they can make plans for a potential school closure.
If the decision is made to close school, I will send out an email to everyone by 7:00 am on Thursday morning.
Thank you all for your support.
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow as we have an “early start” on celebrating Valentine’s Day.
Remember tomorrow is Valentine’s Dress Day – wear your favourite red, pink and white clothes!
Deborah Gutierrez
Fern Hill School